EMDR therapy

EMDR Therapy and Trauma

EMDR therapy is a comprehensive and integrative psychotherapy approach developed in 1987 by Dr. Francine Shapiro.  Containing elements from many well-known and highly respected psychotherapy models such as psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, experiential, and body-centered therapy.  Research has proven its effectiveness in over 22 clinical studies. It looks at previous experiences that have set the basis for pathology, the current situations and triggers that cause dysfunctional beliefs, sensations, and emotions, and the positive experiences needed to enhance future functioning and desired behaviors.   

PET scans and MRIs have shown that traumatic experiences, large or small, are stored in the brain’s right hemisphere with accompanying memories, pictures, sounds, smells, tastes, adrenal responses, body sensations, and resulting decisions about self, the world, and others. In other words, your brain takes a “flashbulb picture” of the trauma and everything your body, mind, and emotions experienced, storing it for future reference as a warning to not go there again.  However, often, the traumatic memories are accessed even when the situation is not the same, causing one to react irrationally or just bigger than the situation calls for.

When a person has past material coming to the surface, we call this a triggered state.  The sympathetic fight-flight-freeze system is activated. Rational thought goes down the tubes. The goal, when triggered, is to survive the perceived threat. It’s like looking at life or relationships through past-trauma-colored glasses.  In this way, the past trauma, large or small,  can continue to affect a person long after the event is over.  This can cause psychopathology: anxiety, panic, depression, relational problems, and insecurities. In addition, unresolved trauma causes body pain, mental overwhelm,  and a myriad of other painful emotions that many try to avoid in unhealthy ways. 

EMDR can be a spiritual journey for those who want to include their faith in their sessions.  Combined with my years of experience in inner healing and deliverance, and led by the power of the Holy Spirit,  EMDR has shown itself to be very powerful and effective. The Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, comfort, and wisdom, best knows the pathway for our healing.  God is often called the restorer of the broken walls: He knows best how to rebuild and make us whole.  Utilizing EMDR with your therapy experience will be an exciting time of drawing close to God, finding how much He loves you, finding freedom from lies that have kept you in bondage, and coming to know how wonderfully God made you!

Many come for EMDR and don’t want to include God in their sessions. EMDR Is Powerful either way! I tailor the EMDR therapy sessions to your needs and desires: you are in control of the sessions!

EMDR has been a gold standard treatment for veterans, PTSD survivors, rape and abuse victims, and anyone who has had traumatic events, large or small, that are still affecting them today.  Past painful relationships in adulthood or childhood are great targets when wanting to heal. It is commonly used in the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, and low self-esteem.  I used EMDR to target body and head pain after having a brain tumor removed. In addition, EMDR is used to build a person’s skill-building and sense of competency and capability. 

Trained EMDR Therapist for over 14 Years

As a trained EMDR psychotherapist, I will help the client move from current difficulties to examine, desensitize, and reprocess its trauma roots. The memory is still there, but instead of being in “living color,” clients often describe it as a black-and-white photograph: it is only a memory without the attached pain. As an EMDR therapist, I will help clients build new, healthy, and functional thoughts and beliefs, anchoring them to their future to have the inner strength to live their desired freedom.  This “resource building” can be applied to many areas of life.

I use classic EMDR procedures as trained by the EMDR Institute. I received EMDR International Association certification in 2011.  It is the highest level of training and supervision available. I continue to do yearly continuing education units, thus expanding my knowledge base. My years of experience working with clients has honed my skillset. 

If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, contact Karen today!

I accept some insurances, call to see if I accept yours!

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(805) 312-3421