““I’m not telling you it is going to be easy.
I’m telling you, it’s going to be worth it!”
– Anonymous –
I’m not telling you it is going to be easy. I’m telling you, it’s going to be worth it!” – Anonymous –
Addiction Recovery Therapy
If you think that your addiction only affects you, then think again. All who love you are in it with you.
“Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven.” – Donald Lyn Frost –
Addiction also applies to alcohol or other addictive behaviors like gambling, pornography, sex addiction, food, or shopping addictions. The one caught up in addiction will never have peace of mind or peace in their relationships. Nor will their family.
“Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.”
– Unknown –
Changing behaviors is not lasting if the change hasn’t happened from the inside out. Dealing with the roots of trauma and how it affected you can bring peace and freedom! Trauma doesn’t have to be so big that you thought your life was at risk – we call that Capital T trauma. Emotional trauma – we call that little t trauma that molds and shapes one’s view of oneself and how one interfaces (or doesn’t) with the world. It erodes self-confidence, sometimes causing people to adopt coping strategies that don’t work. Addictions serve to protect oneself from feeling pain, hurt, anxiety, fears of failure, or any other negative belief. Using EMDR in your journey to sobriety is an effective way to heal from the inside out.
Discover your true identity and who you are meant to be before life and family brokenness affected you. Living from that identity will help motivate you as you believe you are worth more! Developing and strengthening new character qualities and healthy coping methods will help you be the best you can be. With new successes, you will soon find that momentum, the landscape will look different, and you’ll have the life you always wanted to have!